Compatibility: Taurus
Lucky Number: 19, 23, 38
Mood: Guilty
Lucky Time: 23:50:00
Color: Navy
Your horoscope for Sunday, January 12, 2025:
In reality, there were indicators. Signs were present throughout Virgo. Conversely, you elected to observe what you desired. You elected to grant them the benefit of the doubt. The reminder that it is time to calm down and remove your blinders is being conveyed by Mercury's performance. To recognize the reality of the situation and to cease accepting anything less than what you are entitled to. I want to remind you that your requirements are legitimate and should be addressed, my dear. Your requirements are legitimate and should be accommodated.
Compatibility: Leo
Lucky Number: 19, 23, 26
Mood: Astonished
Lucky Time: 13:13:00
Color: Mauve
Your horoscope for Monday, January 13, 2025:
However, is this the direction that Spirit intends for you? It is time for you to surrender your arms, relinquish the resistance, and transition into a state of acceptance. It is time to pay attention to the signs and trust the direction they are guiding you in, even if the direction is consistent with your previous plans. The fact that you are deserving of better is a fact that you acknowledge with all of your being. Release your resistance and focus on the direction you are being directed to move.
Compatibility: Scorpio
Lucky Number: 13, 18, 42
Mood: Distracted
Lucky Time: 04:49:00
Color: Periwinkle
Your horoscope for Tuesday, January 14, 2025:
We understand, Virgo! Everything appears to be in disarray, and you cannot escape. Begin by altering your perspective; seek out the positive aspects of your current circumstances. I heard at the celestial conference that the most detrimental event that has occurred to you is the most advantageous event that has happened to you. Your unwavering faith in the Universe will enable you to enter the quantum field of miracles. The worst thing happening to you is the greatest thing happening *for* you.
Your horoscope for the week 2025-01-12 - 2025-01-18:
I find it difficult to comprehend that someone accuses you of violating the regulations. By the way, it is not the case that you are incapable of performing such an action. However, the person making the accusations is holding the rulebook upside down. They are unaware of the subject matter. Therefore, why are you allowing their criticism to influence you? You have no reason to apologize. It is unnecessary to persuade them of your innocence. Additionally, it is unnecessary to adopt a defensive posture.
Your horoscope for the month of January, 2025:
What is the reason for your self-doubt? You may be in the wrong location, doing the wrong action at the wrong time. Additionally, you may have misinterpreted the situation and received incorrect information regarding the events that are taking place in your world. However, is this truly the case? I do not believe so. In all honesty, neither do you! False. Your innate wisdom is directing you. Additionally, it is resulting in a gift. Therefore, refrain from engaging in self-doubt. The sprinkling of enchantment that is forthcoming will be missed if you doubt this month's developments.
Your horoscope for the year 2025:
You have been loved numerous times but never with the same intensity, passion, and profundity. The King of Cups is not your typical romantic partner. Virgo, allow yourself to receive. Permit the alchemy of love to transform you. Have faith that the past relationships, old wounds, and tragic endings will soon fade into obscurity. You will likely discover that you are expressing gratitude for the situations that did not pan out. The Queen of Wands' presence serves as a reminder that you are being afforded the chance to delve deeply into your sexuality. Comprehend the concept of sacred communion with oneself and channel this energy into one's love temple. March and August are the most romantic months.
The High Priestess advises you to adhere to your chosen spiritual practice on a more regular basis. If you want the benefits of evolution, you'll have to cooperate with spirit. We all have distractions, demands -- a whole life full of reasons why we cannot find the time to retreat into our inner sanctum.