1. Keep your eye on the moon. It is better to meet people during the waxing
moon phase. This is from when the moon is new to full. At this time energy is
building. When the moon is waning to waxing (from full to new) energy dwindles
down, so it is not a good time to move towards a romantic goal
2. Same sign relationships can be great. If you meet someone with your sign or
born a few days away from you, then consider the relationship as this can mean
the two of you are very compatible.
3. If you are a fire sign, you might want to avoid a water sign, as they douse
the flames of passion. Water signs can also become very obsessed with fire
signs. It is not the best combination.
4. Consider where the person’s moon is in their chart as the moon defines their
sexuality. For instance, a Gemini with a moon in sexy Scorpio is more sensual
than one with a moon in the practical sign of Capricorn.
5. If you are an earth sign, you may want to avoid fire signs, as they can
psychically burn you out and leave you feeling depleted! This is also not a
great romantic combination.
6. Air and earth signs tend to be more platonic than romantic in nature, so if
you are looking for drama and passion, the fire and water signs are much more
into it.
7. Consider where someone’s Venus is in their chart, if you can find out their
birthday and look up their stars online. Venus is the love planet and is
friendlier in certain signs than others. For instance, a person with Venus in
Scorpio can be a little sadistic whereas a person with Venus in Taurus is
looking for a lifelong partner.
8. The sign that the moon is in can also influence relationships. It is best to
look for love when the moon is in signs ruled by Venus, such as Taurus or Libra.
9. Watch out for the Mercury Retrograde! Don’t initiate romances while this
planet is going backwards in the sky. You can find out a lot about this online.
The planet moves in retrograde motion four times a year causing delays,
misunderstandings, and people to stand each other up.
10. People who are meant to stay together for a very long time will share many
planets in the seventh house. If you are meant to marry each other, then you
will have Jupiter, the marriage planet in the seventh or eighth house of your
chart. You can find these relationship compatibility charts online or have a
professional astrologer prepare your chart for you.